1.学生签 - STEP 1 先确认你能不能来澳洲读书,能来的话STEP 2 接着往下读... 在中国没有接受完11/12年级教育或高中文凭的学生是无法申请学生签证的 (500) ;而完成11/12年级但无法获得学校出具的证明信和毕业证书的学生也无法申请 (500) !! 所以那些已经毕业但还没有拿到毕业证的同学现在就要跟学校联系让学校赶紧把证书给你办出来... 如果是留学生转学生签 (500 to 504, 570 or 571) 的同学们请参考这里: https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/getting-a-visa/189-student-transition-visa , 和这里的: http://www.sydney.edu.au/students/study-in- Australia.html#transferring_to_us 最后,请注意你的学习课程必须是由政府认证的学校开设的课程并且是全日制课程(full time)才符合学生签证的要求~! STEP 3 Now you have a student visa , what can you do with it?!
2.工作签 (Subclass 482, 403 & 407) The subclasses of this Visas are used by different people in different ways: Subclass 482 is for foreign nationals who want to work and live here on a temporary basis. They usually need to be sponsored by an Australian employer, but under certain circumstances they may also self-sponsor; This Visa has two streams which are Temporary Skill Shortage Stream and Regional Sponsored Migration SchemeStream, both streams allow the holders to stay here temporarily up to four years. Once their work rights expire, they must leave Australia unless... Subclass 403 is a vocational training visa, similar to a 482, except that its stream does not include either of the above mentioned streams of the 482, so only those holding one of these specific visas can apply to convert into a permanent residency as an 'Essential Skills' migrant through the 'Regional Skills Stream' which allows them to come and work in any occupation within three years after completing their training; Alternatively, once all their training has been completed, they could become eligible to apply for another skilled migration programme called the General Skilled Migrant Programme (Subclass 189, 190 & 491); Finally, some of these migrants will qualify as working holiday makers if they return home between their study or training periods.
Subclass 407 is a training visa, very similar to a 403, however it requires no English language skills and lasts much shorter than a 403 at half a year instead of five months; In order to get the permission